Foundations of Western Civilization II: A History of the Modern Wester

24h 29m 59s

Expand your understanding into the depth and breadth of an unprecedented period in world history with an expert historian as your guide.

More than just a history of Western civilization, Foundations of Western Civilization II is a course about the meaning of civilization itself. Taught by Professor Robert Bucholz, it promises profound rewards for students of history at every level, a grand narrative of the past five centuries-of social progress, political evolution, industrialization, and other economic factors-within a coherent context for events and trends, and clarifies the legacies those centuries have bequeathed us.

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# Title Duration
1 1 The Importance of the West 32:21
2 2 Geography is Destiny 30:38
3 3 Culture is Destiny 30:26
4 4 Renaissance Humanism 1350-1650 31:17
5 5 Renaissance Princes 1450-1600 30:49
6 6 The New World & the Old 1400-1650 30:43
7 7 The Protestant Reformation 1500-22 30:54
8 8 The Wars of Religion 1523-1648 31:00
9 9 Rational & Scientific Revolutions 1450-1650 30:09
10 10 French Absolutism 1589-1715 30:47
11 11 English Constitutionalism 1603-49 30:50
12 12 English Constitutionalism 1649-89 30:15
13 13 War, Trade, Empire 1688-1702 31:02
14 14 War, Trade, Empire 1702-14 30:15
15 15 War, Trade, Empire 1714-63 30:56
16 16 Life Under the Anciem Regime 1689-1789 30:59
17 17 Enlightenment & Despotism 30:34
18 18 The American Revolution 30:32
19 19 The French Revolution 1789-92 30:38
20 20 The French Revolution 1792-1803 30:18
21 21 The Napoleonic Empire 1803-15 30:28
22 22 Beginnings of Industrialization 1760-1850 30:13
23 23 Consequences of Industrialization 1760-1850 30:24
24 24 The Liberal Response 1776-1861 30:59
25 25 The Romantic Response 1789-1870 31:02
26 26 The Socialist Response 1813-1905 30:45
27 27 Descent of Man; Rise of Woman 1830-90 30:50
28 28 Nationalism 1815-48 30:26
29 29 Nationalism 1848-71 30:13
30 30 Imperial Rivalry 1870-1914 30:43
31 31 Industrial Rivalry 1870-1914 30:26
32 32 The Alliance System 1872-1914 29:50
33 33 Decadence & Malaise - circa 1900 30:03
34 34 The Great War Begins 1914-16 29:55
35 35 Breaking the Deadlock 1915-17 30:31
36 36 The Russian Revolution 1917-22 30:38
37 37 The End of the War 1917-22 31:11
38 38 Recovery & Depression in the West 1919-36 30:15
39 39 Totalitarian Russia 1918-39 29:58
40 40 Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany 1922-36 30:14
41 41 The Holocaust 1933-45 30:42
42 42 The Failure of Diplomacy 1935-39 30:53
43 43 World War II 1939-42 30:13
44 44 World War II 1942-45 30:46
45 45 American Hegemony, Soviet Challenge 1945-75 30:14
46 46 Rebuilding Europe 1945-85 30:06
47 47 The New Europe 1985-2001 30:15
48 48 The Meaning of Western Civilization 32:23

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1Foundations of Western Civilization II A History of the Modern Western World

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