Event-Driven Microservices Spring Boot, Kafka and Elastic

12h 41m 19s

Hi there! My name is Ali Gelenler. I'm here to help you learn event-driven microservices architecture by applying best practices for real-life challenges. In this course, you will focus on the development of microservices. With the help of microservices you can independently develop and deploy your application components . You can also easily scale services according to each service's own resource needs, for example you can scale better and create more instances of a service that requires more requests.

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You can always use the latest versions for spring boot, spring cloud and other dependencies in this course. Please just follow the last section's lectures to see the required code and configuration changes for updated versions.

When moving from a monolith application to microservices architecture, some challenges will arise as a result of having a distributed application and system. In this course you will learn how to deal with these challenges using event-driven architecture (EDA) architecture with Apache Kafka.

With an event-driven architecture;

  • You will truly decouple the services and create resilient services because a service has no direct communication with other services

  • You will use asynchronous/non-blocking communication between services

  • You will use an event/state store (Kafka), and remove the state from the services for better scalability

You will develop a microservice architecture from scratch using the most recent software platforms, technologies, libraries and tools, following best practices, applying microservices patterns and using Java, Spring boot, Spring cloud, Spring Security, Kafka and Elasticsearch. We will also cover Event sourcing and Event-driven services using Kafka as the event store.

The microservices patterns that you will be implementing are:

  • Externalized configuration with Spring Cloud Config

  • CQRS with Kafka and Elastic search

  • Api versioning for versioning of Rest APIs

  • Service Registration and Discovery with Spring Cloud and Netflix Eureka

  • Api Gateway with Spring Cloud Gateway

  • Circuit breaker with Spring Cloud Gateway and Resilience4j

  • Rate limiting with Spring Cloud Gateway and Redis to use Redis as the Rate limiter

  • Distributed tracing with SLF4J MDC, Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin

  • Log aggregation with ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana)

  • Client side load balancing with Spring Cloud Load Balancer

  • Database per Service

  • Messaging between microservices using Kafka

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# Title Duration
1 Introduction to microservices architecture 14:00
2 Project overview & Introduction to Event-driven architecture 13:27
3 Implementation details for each microservice 10:43
4 Setting up the environment 04:24
5 Introduction to Spring boot 04:29
6 Creating the base Spring boot project 10:41
7 The very first microservice 15:55
8 Streaming tweets with Twitter4j: The command component in CQRS & Event sourcing 13:41
9 Streaming tweets with Twitter Api V2 17:29
10 Adding mock twitter stream as an alternative 16:00
11 Introducing Apache Kafka:Event sourcing, topics, partitions, producer & consumer 15:50
12 Adding common config module 06:23
13 Running Apache Kafka cluster with docker: Kafka, Zookeeper and Schema Registry 09:44
14 Creating kafka-model module 03:06
15 Creating kafka-admin module - Part 1: Configuration and dependencies 10:40
16 Creating kafka-admin module - Part 2: Creating Kafka topics programmatically 13:57
17 Creating kafka-producer module: Configuration of Kafka producer 05:44
18 Creating kafka-producer module: Produce events to store in Kafka event store 07:03
19 Integrate Kafka modules with Microservice: Use Kafka as event store for service 08:54
20 Containerization of microservice with docker image: Run all with docker compose 07:56
21 Creating Config Server Repository 03:01
22 Creating Spring Cloud Config Server as a Microservice 06:56
23 Using a common logback file for all microservices 03:41
24 Changing twitter-to-kafka-service to work with config server 03:54
25 Using remote GitHub repository 05:30
26 Adding security to config server and encrypt passwords 02:31
27 Using Jasypt to encrypt sensitive data 08:05
28 Using JCE to encrypt sensitive data 06:13
29 JCE vs Jasypt 09:11
30 Containerization of config server by creating the docker image 09:28
31 Introduction to Kafka Consumer: Reading data events from Kafka using messaging 05:41
32 Adding kafka-consumer module 10:03
33 Creating the microservice: kafka-to-elastic-service 07:51
34 Adding initialization check 01:58
35 Introducing Elasticsearch 02:55
36 Running elastic search with docker 05:35
37 Creating elastic-model module 05:05
38 Creating elastic-config module 03:09
39 Creating elastic-index-client module 05:56
40 Using Elasticsearch repositories for indexing 06:16
41 Integrating elastic modules with microservice 07:49
42 Containerization of microservice with docker image: Run all with docker compose 06:20
43 Introduction to Elastic Query Api 10:19
44 Creating elastic-query-client module 12:05
45 Using spring data elasticsearch repository for querying 07:51
46 Elastic query microservice: The query component in CQRS & Event sourcing 06:18
47 Creating web controller 18:53
48 Creating business layer to return elastic data in controller 06:23
49 Creating validation and controller advice 07:08
50 Introduction to Hateoas (Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State) 02:26
51 Adding Hateoas capability to Rest API with Spring Hateoas 05:55
52 Introduction to Api versioning of Rest API 06:08
53 Implementing Api versioning for elastic query service Rest API 08:58
54 Enabling Open Api v3 for documentation of RESTful API with Swagger v3 08:05
55 Containerization of microservice by creating the docker image 02:08
56 Introduction to Web clients 01:29
57 Starting to implement elastic-query-web-client 06:21
58 Creating Thymeleaf templates with Bootstrap 04:51
59 Creating Rest API controller 08:31
60 Creating configurations for web client and security 07:20
61 Creating Webclient implementation 09:09
62 Adding client side load balancer with Spring Cloud Load Balancer 09:03
63 Containerization of microservice by creating the docker image 02:25
64 Creating common service and web client modules to re-use them with DRY principle 06:25
65 Creating reactive elastic query service: Reactive Spring and Flux reactive type 12:33
66 Creating reactive elastic web client: Reactive Spring, WebFlux and WebClient 09:37
67 Introduction to Oauth and Keycloak authorization server 07:23
68 Run and configure Keycloak authorization server with OIDC for authentication 11:27
69 Understanding Spring security with Spring Security OAuth 2.0 resource server 02:37
70 Configuring query service with Spring security Oauth 2.0, OpenId Connect and JWT 12:40
71 Adding user permissions with Spring security by reading from database 14:16
72 Configuring web client security with Spring boot security Oauth2, OIDC and JWT 08:02
73 Implementing SSO with Keycloak 07:43
74 Introduction to Kafka streams 01:50
75 Kafka streams microservice base project 04:32
76 Completing the Kafka streams microservice 09:03
77 Creating an endpoint for Kafka state store 03:23
78 Calling the Kafka State Store from Query Service 10:21
79 Analytics microservice configuration with Spring Boot Data JPA and PostgreSQL 04:02
80 Completing the Analytics microservice with Spring Data JPA and PostgreSQL 06:02
81 Creating an Rest API endpoint for analytics data 01:53
82 Calling the analytics Rest API from query service 04:45
83 Introduction to service registry and service discovery with Spring Eureka 01:28
84 Integrating Spring eureka discovery service with microservices 06:32
85 Introduction to Api Gateway: Resilience4J Circuit Breaker and Redis Rate Limiter 05:15
86 Implementing Api Gateway with Springcloud gateway, Redis and Resilience4J 08:53
87 Integrate Spring Cloud Api Gateway Circuit Breaker & Rate limiting with services 06:22
88 Configure microservices with Spring boot actuator, Prometheues and Micrometer 01:47
89 Adding monitoring and creating dashboards with Grafana 05:00
90 Configuring microservices to work with Logstash 04:58
91 Adding Logstash and Kibana into application: Complete ELK stack 02:51
92 Making gateway and config server high available and improve log file naming 03:22
93 Introducing Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin 04:30
94 Integrating Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin 11:31
95 Update to spring boot 2.5.0 15:51
96 Update to spring boot 2.5.3 & Update other dependencies and docker images 20:32
97 Update to spring boot 2.5.6 07:12
98 Update to spring boot 2.6.3 09:28
99 Update to spring boot 2.7.0 10:56
100 Update to spring boot 2.7.5 07:17

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