APIs with Postman for Absolute Beginners

3h 32m 25s
November 20, 2023

To work with APIs we will use the Postman app! Postman allows you to quickly create a request with the required HTTP method and parameters, set the body, headers, submit the request and easily inspect the results. Postman can help if you are developing APIs as well! I have created this course for testing engineers and well for software developers. Postman can help you during the development of your API as well as after the API is completed, by running tests that make sure your API is still working as intended.


Postman has over 10 million users worldwide and continues to grow. This course will introduce you to Postman and is suited for beginners. You will learn how to build API requests with Postman, how to inspect responses debug any issues.

Postman has grown to be a complex tool that has many capabilities

So let’s look at what you are going to learn during the course:

  • Start with simple requests

  • Advance towards more complex scenarios

  • Upload files

  • Learn about REST

  • Learn about GraphQL

  • Work with real APIs

  • Learn to deal with authentication/authorization

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# Title Duration
1 Brief history of APIs 08:59
2 Why do we need APIs? An example RPC call 09:16
3 Welcome to the course - please watch! 02:48
4 Section overview 01:07
5 HTTP message structure 08:25
6 HTTP request method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, ...) 07:53
7 Introduction to Postman (tool for working with APIs) 04:08
8 What are query parameters? ... 06:59
9 What are path parameters? ... 09:58
10 HTTP headers 10:01
11 HTTP headers: Content-Type header 04:13
12 HTTP headers: Authorization header 04:58
13 HTTP headers: Cookie header (Cookies) 03:19
14 HTTP body 06:54
15 HTTP status code (200, 301, 401, 403, 404, ...) 07:09
16 Conclusion 00:23
17 Section overview 01:16
18 What is REST? 02:43
19 What is a resource? 07:33
20 Hands-on API Car fleet management 00:42
21 What is JSON? 09:49
22 API Documentation 05:12
23 What is Swagger? 03:54
24 How to create a GET request - Part I 04:54
25 How to create a GET request - Part II 04:25
26 Assignment - GET 00:34
27 Assignment solution - GET 05:37
28 Invalid JSON 07:52
29 How to create a POST request 03:33
30 Common errors 03:56
31 Assignment POST 00:51
32 Assignment solution - POST 05:01
33 GET vs POST & What is a Cache 04:59
34 How to create a PUT request 04:04
35 POST vs PUT 01:37
36 Assignment DELETE 00:21
37 Assignment solution DELETE 02:41
38 What is CRUD? 01:11
39 Which HTTP verb to use 03:11
40 Section overview 00:21
41 What is Giphy? 04:20
42 How to search for GIFs using the API 05:26
43 How to get a GIF through the API 03:48
44 How to create a GIF (optional) 01:18
45 How to upload a file using Postman 02:23
46 Assignment 00:19
47 Assignment solution 01:03
48 Clean-up 02:00
49 Introduction to GraphQL 01:49
50 How to use GraphQL from Postman (GitHub API) 04:14
51 How to use variables with GraphQL 01:41
52 Conclusion 01:17

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